Leverages Interventions, Like Rental Assistance
Cleveland’s Right to Counsel leverages interventions, like rental assistance.
When rent assistance is available – it helps settles cases – avoiding evictions and making landlords whole. Millions of dollars of rent assistance were available due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the country and in Cleveland, attorneys representing tenants in eviction proceedings have shared concerns about the lack of sustained rent assistance, particularly for tenants in communities where rents are increasing faster than wages and where vacancy rates are low. The ability to effectively resolve (and in certain circumstances prevent) eviction proceedings can be compromised in the absence of sustained rent assistance.
Legal Aid attorneys have guided clients through a patchwork of rent assistance programs that vary substantially in their processes for application and the disbursement of their funding.
When rent assistance is possible, it helps to efficiently resolve a case and creates a positive outcome that is long-lasting.